While I was in Bucharest one evening in December 2007, walking from the King's Palace through the fog and rain, back to my hotel where the Bank of Transylvania ATM was located, my cell phone rang. It was my brother Gene calling to suggest a get together. Illinois would be playing USC in the Rose Bowl this year, and since Gene had gone to USC, and had tickets to the game, and our brother Glen had gone to Illinois, we should go to the game and drink a beer to our departed brother Glen's memory. Which we did!
I flew to sunny Southern California on the 30th of December and Gene and Lucy picked me up at LAX at 1:30 in the morning. The next day I had a nice run from their house and out Huntington Drive. That night we ate at a very nice Chinese Restaurant in Glendale and on the way we saw some floats being taken along Huntington Drive to the start of the Rose Parade the next morning.
Gene and I left early for the game and parked a couple miles away, then stood in line for the shuttle bus. We had our beer before going inside the stadium, and once inside we had a sandwich. Then the USC band marched in and I got these photos.
Dr. Gene and Greg all dressed up to go to the Game.
Lucy all dressed up to NOT go to the game, and happy about that!
Outside the Rose Bowl, and then inside at a snack booth.

The USC band marches into the stadium

Then we got in our seats and I started watching the festivities. There were sky divers and flyovers and swordfights.

Pre Game Warmups.

The U. S. Navy Seals hit the mark.

The University of Southern California Marching Band begins their show:

Traveller makes his first of many appearances!

The F-18s fly over

The game was so good I took only one photo during it.

Then the game was over!

We went to the Huntington Library on the 2nd. It is quite a place, with library archives, an art gallery, and an arboretum.

I call this photo “A couple of old artifacts”
Back at Gene and Lucy's.